Aluminium Clad Windows in Essex

Rationel Aluminium Clad Windows
Aluminium Clad Windows in Essex

Although timber windows are a stylish and durable solution for any home, they do come with one disadvantage – after several years they will require repainting. Over time, wind, weather and sun will wear the paint away, and that means that around every five years, homeowners will have to maintain their timber framed windows.

There is a way around this however. Aluminium clad windows offer all the advantages of timber windows but with the added benefit of minimal maintenance. Using all timber frames and sashes paired with external bespoke aluminium cladding, our aluminium clad windows are the ideal weather-proof solution with no need to paint the windows’ exterior during their service life.

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Why Choose Aluminium Clad Timber Windows in Essex?

There are several benefits that come with choosing composite windows with aluminium clad timber. They include:

  • A natural look from inside the property
  • Low maintenance in the long term
  • Great durability and a long lifespan
  • Excellent weather protection

As there are aluminium clad timber windows to suit all kinds of properties in Essex, you can enjoy all the advantages that come with choosing these contemporary and stylish windows regardless of the age or type of property you own.

Our Aluminium Clad Timber Windows in Essex

There are two varieties of aluminium clad windows in our Rationel Windows range. The AURAPLUS and FORMAPLUS designs are specifically designed for a particular style of building in Essex.

It couldn’t be more important to choose new windows that perfectly match your home type, and finding products that will look just as good from inside the property as without is essential. Our Rationel windows are functional yet attractive, seamlessly matching the style of your home so whether you need outward or inward opening sashes, or right or left hand egress and access, you will find an option to meet your needs.

Product Details

We offer a range of excellent product details that will add extra finesse and function to your windows. We can equip your new windows with trickle vents to allow for excellent ventilation and airflow throughout your property, and we also offer a variety of opening functions including sideguided, topswing, sidehung, topguided and fixed light windows so that you can find the perfect option to meet your requirements.

Our aluminium clad windows also boast a range of unique features including a choice of attractive hardware options, fittings and secure ironmongery that ensures that your brand new windows will operate efficiently without compromising on style. As we also offer our window frames in a choice of appealing colours, you’ll also be able to achieve a variety of attractive appearances for your home.

With their multiple locking points located around their frame, our aluminium clad windows in Essex are also secured as standard by reinforced fittings and 3 locking point espagnolettes to guarantee optimal security.

Energy Efficiency Aluminium Clad Timber Windows

We know that choosing energy efficient windows is high on the agenda these days, and that’s why our aluminium clad windows are all highly energy efficient, helping you to save money on your heating bills.

We also offer a broad spectrum of different energy efficient window panes, including safety glass, sound proofed and obscured glass to suit a range of purposes, so you can enjoy warmth and comfort in every room of your home.

Weather Protection in Essex

Protecting your home from the elements is essential, but when you choose aluminium clad windows in Essex you can be confident that there will be no wind or rain ingress into your property. Our window range has been rigorously tested to ensure that it can withstand everyday family life and even the harshest elements, so you can have complete peace of mind in the longevity of your purchase.

Aluminium Clad Windows

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